5 Signs Your Home Needs New Windows

does your home need replacement windows

Outdated or poor-performing windows can be more than just an eyesore – they could be costing you money. Here are five warning signs that might indicate new windows are in order.

1: You Have Inexplicably High Fuel Bills


  • High fuel bills are the strongest indication that a home is in need of repair or replacement services.  Windows can contribute to higher energy costs in two ways: by leaking air and by providing insufficient insulation. Older homes often have single pane windows that lack the insulating quality of double or triple pane glass.
  • Improperly fitted or sealed windows can let cold drafts in even when they’re tightly closed and locked. You can test for this in two different ways.  First, on a windy day, tape a narrow, long strip of plastic wrap to a pencil.  Gently move the pencil around your closed, locked window. If the plastic wrap flutters towards the room interior, you’ve got drafts.  The second way to test is simply by feeling for a change in temperatures close to the window during one of winter’s cold days.
  • Double-pane windows can suffer from stressed or broken seals that reduce their insulating abilities.  Look for a cloudy or dirty appearance or signs of condensation gathering between the panes.

2: Your Home Has an Unattractive Appearance

  • Look for rotten trim, chipping, or discoloration from water stains either inside or outside.
  • If the apron, sill or stool is soft, discolored or cracked, water can be penetrating your house. Replacement windows can save more than just money—they can save your house.

3: You’re Getting Handy with the Elbow Grease

  • How much effort do you exert to clean or open your windows? Modern replacement windows often tip in for easy cleaning of both interior and exterior surfaces from the safety and comfort of the room.
  • Do you need extra hands to even raise or lower the sash? Does the window even open?

4: The Noise Is Becoming Irritating

  • If you can easily hear outside noises through closed windows, the seals on double- or triple-pane windows may have failed.
  • If you are hearing noises because you only have single-pane windows, your windows are outdated and not as energy efficient as they could be.

5: There are Irregularities in Home Heating

  • Windows on your home’s north or shaded face suffer from lower temperatures throguhout the year.
  • South facing rooms that receive afternoon sun become unbearably warm from UV rays.  Modern windows are designed to filter out these rays, leading to a climate-controlled environment.

Many Window Options Available

There are so many great, affordable window options available for Twin Cities homeowners.  Take the time to consult with one of our team members at Midwest Roofing, Siding & Windows to learn more about the many great choices that can improve your home living experience.

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