As summer ends, we feel ever more compelled to enjoy the warm weather that we have left. This also includes taking care of any exterior repair projects around the house. The mild weather is perfect for handling both interior and exterior projects that may prove problematic in winter. Here are a few tasks to take on during fall:
Roof Repair
Your roof is one of the main components protecting the rest of your home from water damage. Keep in mind that the combination of ice, snow and rain along with dramatic shifts in temperature causes severe stresses on roofing materials. In order to make your roof secure, look for loose or missing shingles before the arrival of winter or have your roof inspected by a roof repair expert.
Check and Clean Gutters
Periodically throughout the autumn season, check your gutters. Remove dead leaves and flush gutters with water to eliminate clogs or potential causes of clogs. Clogs can contribute to the formation of ice dams that can destroy your gutter system and cause serious damage to the rest of your home. Tighten brackets if necessary and if your gutters are old, consider replacing them with newer gutters with leaf guards.
Examine and Clean Windows
Over the course of the summer, window seals can become dirty and filled with debris to the point that they no longer close tightly. This can cause your home to lose heated air during the winter. Air leaks can make your home more uncomfortable and expensive to heat. Clean the seals in your windows. If you spot worn weather stripping, the fall is the perfect time to replace it.
Check Heating Unit
Start up your heating unit to make sure that it is working. Whether your home runs on electric, propane, or natural gas, it is important to inspect all filters and heating units for optimal winter performance.
To dry properly, paint requires a temperature that lies approximately in the range of 60 and 80 degrees. This makes fall the ideal time to apply a new coat. New paint can help to protect your home’s siding from harsh winter weather.
Replace Flooring
New flooring can make your home feel cozier during the winter. Like paint, some flooring adhesives also require a certain temperature range to cure properly. The dampness of winter air can keep adhesives from drying as they should, which could cause bonding issues.
Local Professional Help
For help with your roof repair and replacement needs, contact our team at Midwest Roofing, Siding & Windows. We provide roofing services to homeowners throughout the Twin Cities region.
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