A home equity line of credit. Or HELOC. Most homeowners have heard this term. Many may not understand its significance and how it impacts their decision-making when financing a home improvement project (in particular, a new roof). A HELOC has a functional role in today’s marketplace. However, it isn’t a cure-all. Considering a homeowner’s unique circumstances, a HELOC might not be the optimal roof financing solution. But then again, it might. It just depends.
Roof Financing With A Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC)
Often, homeowners needing access to liquid funds to augment the purchase of their new roof replacement will rely upon a home equity line of credit (HELOC). A HELOC leverages the built-up equity in a home. Equity is determined by the home’s current market value minus the amount a homeowner owes to the lender via a mortgage (or series of mortgages). Naturally, a home’s equity varies from month to month and year to year.

Identifying 7 Benefits Of Securing A HELOC To Pay For A New Roof
Exploring 10 Drawbacks With Using A HELOC For Roof Financing

Alternative Financing Options: Working Through A Roofing Company
At Midwest Roofing, Siding and Windows, we offer homeowners a viable alternative to a HELOC. You can obtain financing for your new roof directly from us. Borrowing with us (through our preferred lending partner) affords you access to the following attractive financing terms:
- 0% interest rate if paid in full within 18 months
- Loans available for up to 11 years at reasonable/reduced rates
- Fixed interest rates for long-term financing options
- Fast approval process to secure financing
To take advantage of the opportunity to lock in financing with Midwest Roofing, Siding and Windows, contact us today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to working with you