Which will give less trouble, an extremely expensive new window installed by an untrained carpenter, or a moderately priced window installed by a certified window installer? The lower-priced window, in the hands of the right technician, will provide much more satisfactory service than even the most expensive custom-made window in the hands of an inexperienced installer.
Contractor Certification
Pella, one of the nation’s strongest brands in windows and doors, offers contractor certification to just a select few companies, and Midwest Roofing, Siding & Windows is one of those favored companies. Certification means our employees receive product and installation education, including continuing review to make certain they are installing Pella windows correctly.
Some window installations are simple: take out the old window, install the gleaming new Pella window, caulk and done! Others are complicated. Wood around the old window may have rotted. The opening may be off plumb. Insulation around the opening may have gotten wet or deteriorated. A highly trained installer will know what to do. A day laborer, picked up outside the local big box home improvement store, will not.
Worth The Effort
For contractors, is getting certified by a manufacturer worth the effort? For Midwest Roofing, Siding & Windows, we have to say, “Yes!” We are giving our customers something extra, making sure the high-quality replacement windows we install are perfect in every way. We check plumb; we ensure a good fit; we insulate properly. We make certain the mechanisms are operating smoothly. And, when a dilemma hits, our installers know what to do.
We have seen original windows removed from homes that had been installed by the home builder intent only on finishing a job. Shortcuts, physical cuts in the frames, and other nightmares usually meant water and air infiltration for unhappy occupants. By choosing certified window installers, Minneapolis homeowners can be certain their windows keep out drafts, move or slide easily, and insulate well.
With certified window installers, Minneapolis property owners know they are getting highly-trained talent, not day laborers. They know the window installers have passed the manufacturer’s courses and tests to ensure tight-fitting, smoothly operating windows.
For certified window installers, Minneapolis residents know to contact Midwest Roofing, Siding & Windows, because trained installers are all we employ. Please contact us today to learn how we can have beautiful, properly installed windows in your Minneapolis home as early as this week.
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